Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Its been a day people

We got central AC a couple of months ago and we had them set up the meter that allows the Electric people to turn it off. The Electric company needs to actually install the meter so I had to call them today. The guy was really nice but he needed The Man's last four digits of his SS#. I explained that I was his wife and it was ok for me to set up this appointment. Nope I needed the digits. I could tell him The Man's work number, mother's maiden name, his best friends name, mole placement, food dislikes, the name of the cat that he loved more than life itself, the fact that he remembers eating toast with his Grandma while watching Sesame Street while his parents went to church and that he really dislikes sitcoms but no I needed those darn four numbers.

Figures that The Man emailed the needed information 2 seconds after I had to hang up.

UGH I curse the Electric Company and their silly rules they have to protect their customers!!!

Thats all I have for today loves


sugar said...

I feel your pain. I recently wanted to change some things on our electric bill account and I was treated like some kind of thief. But I'll bet if something happened to Mr. Sugar they wouldn't mind giving me the info so I could pay them! So frustrating. Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that you also know which finger he uses to pick his nose.

You darn criminal...
